Via Transilvanica - Mission and values Via Transilvanica - Mission and values

Mission and values

Our mission is to maintain, promote and identify development opportunities for the first long-distance trail in Romania, and to create a strong common platform that will sustainably unite all stakeholders (hikers, hospitality providers, authorities, partners, volunteers, local communities).

Via Transilvanica's values are: community, diversity, care for nature, celebration of Romania's rural heritage, love of the country.

Via Transilvanica is a road that breaks down barriers between generations and cultures - It is dedicated to those people who, regardless of age, experience or where they come from, are prepared to reduce their day-to-day activities on the road and the number of personal items they carry in their backpacks to a minimum. Above all, this kind of hiking can be a source of joy, soul healing or meditation.

Via Transilvanica is about diversity, from the blade of grass on the banks of the Danube, to the mountain ridges, the landscapes that reveal themselves as you move from one stage of the road to the other are as different as the locals you meet along the way, or the people who travel the route. In this way, you can discover important landmarks of the identity of our country and its people.

As a Tășuleasa Social project, Via Transilvanica is first and foremost a social project, because it has the community at its heart. The people of the road are the people who built this route, who are and will be walking it, the people who offer hospitality along the route and the people who take the news of this trail further into the country and beyond its borders. Perhaps the best illustration of the social nature of this project are the milestones, which teach us that art is not a luxury but a social circuit.

The aim of Via Transilvanica is to reinvent (especially rural) tourism in Romania, to make it easier for travelers to access the communities along the route and their stories, helping them to develop in a sustainable and responsible way.


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