Terra Dacica

Terra Dacica

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Discover Terra Dacica

Terra Dacica is the name of the Via Transilvanica route that crosses the counties of Alba and Hunedoara, both counties loaded with ancient and recent history of our country, under the weight of which, cities of major importance, stretch lazily with their royal, medieval or ancient Dacian fortresses. Via Transilvanica stretches along the Mureș valley and the Târnavelor plateau with its vineyards, greeting the Apuseni Mountains and winding towards the Retezat Mountains, reflecting more and more strongly upon the roots of the Romanian people, until it enters the Iron Gate of Transylvania, in the county of Caraș-Severin.

This land is a balanced combination of breathtaking natural landscapes, historic towns and archaeological heritage. It is a low to medium difficulty region, but one that will stay with the hiker for a long time, in mind and in soul.

Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica
Terra Dacica


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